
    • Subsystem and package partitioning and layering is logically consistent.
    • All analysis mechanisms have been identified and described.


    • The services (interfaces) of subsystems in upper-level layers have been defined.
    • The dependencies between subsystems and packages correspond to dependency relationships between the contained classes.
    • The classes in a subsystem support the services identified for the subsystem.


    • The key entity classes and their relationships have been identified.
    • Relationships between key entity classes have been defined.
    • The name and description of each class clearly reflects the role it plays.
    • The description of each class accurately captures the responsibilities of the class.
    • The entity classes have been mapped to analysis mechanisms where appropriate.
    • The role names of aggregations and associations accurately describe the relationship between the related classes.
    • The multiplicities of the relationships are correct.
    • The key entity classes and their relationships are consistent with the business model (if it exists), domain model (if it exists), requirements, and glossary entries.

Copyright  ⌐ 1987 - 2000 Rational Software Corporation

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Rational Unified Process